Choosing an inflatable paddle board? Key Factors to Consider

In this blog, we outline the crucial aspects to consider when selecting an inflatable paddle board. We cover factors such as board stability, weight capacity, material durability, and ease of transportation. We also delve into the importance of board dimensions for different water conditions and activities, such as touring, racing, or leisure paddling, and provide tips for choosing the right accessories like paddles and pumps. Additionally, we highlight some top-rated inflatable paddle boards that cater to a range of preferences and skill levels.

With over 18 years of experience in water sports and paddle boarding, we’ve guided a multitude of enthusiasts in finding their ideal inflatable paddle board. Our selection criteria are based on comprehensive testing and a deep understanding of paddle boarding needs, ensuring you make a well-informed decision for your water adventures.

The Best Paddle Boards for Beginners: How to Choose the Right One?

Inflatable paddle boards have become increasingly popular as they provide many advantages over traditional wooden or fiberglass paddle boards. They are lighter than their counterparts, easier to transport, and more durable.
However, there are several factors to take into consideration before purchasing one. Here, we will discuss some of the most important ones.

1. Material

There are two main types of material used to make inflatable paddle boards: PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and polyurethane. Both materials offer different benefits depending on how much pressure you want to put on them.
PVC inflatables are generally cheaper than polyurethane inflatables, but they tend to wear out faster. Polyurethane inflatables are usually more expensive, but they are stronger and more durable.

2. Size

Paddle boards should fit comfortably beneath your feet while paddling, and they should also be compatible with any other equipment you plan on using.

Paddle boards designed for surfing will probably be better suited to bigger boards. Smaller boards will not be stable enough for surfing.

3. Weight

Another factor to consider is weight. Some people prefer lightweight paddle boards because they are easy to carry around. Others like heavier boards so they don’t feel too heavy when carrying them around.

4. Durability

Durability is another important aspect to consider. If you plan on taking your paddle board camping, then you need to make sure that it won’t tear easily. Also, if you plan on doing anything rough with your paddle board, such as surfing, then you need to ensure that it is strong enough to withstand the impact.

5. Price

Finally, price is always a major concern. There are many cheap inflatable paddle boards available online, but you really need to know what you are getting yourself into. Cheap products often lack durability, which means that they will break down quickly.

6. Features

The last thing you need to consider is what features you are looking for when purchasing a paddle board. Would you like a board that is longer or would you prefer something smaller and lighter?

Paddle Board Buying Guide: What to Look For?

Now that you know what to look for in an inflatable paddle board, let’s see what makes a good product.

1. Quality

To begin with, inspect the quality of the material used to manufacture the board. The material’s type, thickness, and stitching should all be evaluated.

Look at the seams of the board to determine whether it is made from high-quality materials. The seams should be solid and tight.

Ensure that the air holes on your board are large enough for air to easily pass through them after the board has been inflated properly.

2. Safety

The paddle board you are using must be safe to use. You can get a safety test certificate from the manufacturer or from a third-party testing service. Make sure the paddle board has been tested for safety.

You should also check whether the board is CPSC-certified (Consumer Product Safety Commission). The CPSC certifies products according to its safety standards.

3. Warranty

The warranty should cover everything. Most manufacturers offer a lifetime warranty, but improper inflation will void this protection.

In addition, most companies provide a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can return products for a full refund if you’re not satisfied with them.

4. Shipping

A big factor to consider is shipping costs. Many companies charge extra for shipping. Therefore, you should compare prices among different companies.

5. Size

Additionally, how big the board needs to be is an important consideration.

A bigger board might be better if you have children. However, a huge board may not be necessary if you only surf occasionally.

6. Weight

In addition, the weight of the board should also be considered. Some people prefer lighter boards for their comfort.

The choice is yours; you may prefer a heavier board because it feels safer.


In conclusion, there are many things to consider when buying an inflatable paddle board, including size, weight, quality, and safety.

Hopefully, this article helped you understand what to look for in a paddle board. If you still have questions, please leave a comment below.